Music - Playing the recorder

We are learning how to:
  • play simple songs on the recorder
We will know we have been successful when we can:

  • hold the recorder correctly
  • breath correctly
  • use the correct finger positions for each note we play

The Sun

I am learning to:
  • Use descriptive words in my writing
I will know that I am successful when I:
  • Use a variety of adjectives and verbs
  • Build a picture in the mind of my audience

Term 4 Numeracy

I am learning how to:
  • Solve problems by making equal share
e.g. 20 ÷4 = 5
Because 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 

Because 5 + 5 = 10 & 10 + 10 = 20

Term 3 Gymnastics